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Category: “Right Column”
U.K.’s Liverpool Bay wind farm will use 8-megawatt turbines that are so large they can only be transported by ships
Leaving fossil fuels in the ground could stop climate change, Wired says
Climate change made South Carolina flooding worse
Offshore wind megawatt scorecard: Europe 10,000, U.S. 0
Dumping 1.8 million gallons of chemicals into the Gulf of Mexico after the BP oil spill was a mistake, study says
DOE’s $2 million plan to help Gen IV nuclear called inadequate
Cost of solar farms drops 50% in five years
Finland approves plan to bury nuclear waste 400 meters underground
Global storms affected by warming climate, study says
California should have “off-peak” and “super off-peak” pricing at certain times to accommodate solar, grid operator says
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