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Category: “Left Column”
Syracuse University, bowing to two years of student pressure, says it will divest fossil fuels
Will spending $70 billion stop the Salton Sea from drying up and becoming a toxic wasteland?
Illinois wind turbines are causing a high-pitched whining sound — from Exelon
Utilities wage war on solar power
Peruvian community contends with oil-laced water nine months after spill “clean-up” is complete
Chris Hedges compares extractive industry to sexual exploitation of women
Machete-wielding gangs are murdering Mayans to make way for World Bank’s 25-megawatt Guatemala dam
Hanford nuclear site is leaking radioactive groundwater into Columbia River, groups say
China is better at fixing coal-plant pollution than Alabama, Archibald says
Swarthmore’s “tight connections to Wall Street” help explain refusal to divest fossil fuels, McKibben says
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