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Category: “Middle Column”
Climate forecasts are simply no good, writer says
EU investigates Hungary for excessive subsidies for planned nuclear reactors
Oil industry says it shouldn’t have to drill extra safety well in the Arctic
Tanzania seeks to have 1 million solar-powered homes by 2017
Oklahoma petroleum industry says USGS lacks the science to back up earthquake claims
Fermi 3 Gen III reactor in Michigan may soon be approved but never built because of cheap natural gas
Railroad agrees to be fined $361,000 for train crash that spilled oil into river
World will lose 42 million tons of wheat production for every 1-degree Celsius rise in average global temperatures, study says
Greenpeace and NYT team up to say unfair things about scientist, WUWT says
U.S. tells companies to prepare for Arctic drilling blowouts by building another rig close by
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